CEO Wongil Huh Responds to SACEM's AI Training Data Warnings

CEO Wongil Huh Responds to SACEM's AI Training Data Warnings

Pozalabs recently responded to a letter from SACEM, the French music copyright association, stating "Do not reproduce our copyrighted works for AI learning and data mining purposes without permission," the company announced on the 11th.

In October of last year, SACEM posted a statement on its official website, supporting "ethical and fair use of AI" and asserting its right to exclude its copyrighted works from AI learning. The recent letter marks SACEM's first official stance on the matter since 2023.

Pozalabs received the letter on October 2. In response, CEO Huh Wongil of Pozalabs sent a reply to SACEM explaining "the reasons why Pozalabs does not use copyrighted works for AI learning," "the background of building its own music data," and "plans to establish a collaborative relationship with music creators."

Below is the full email Pozalabs sent to SACEM:

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing in response to your recent letter dated July 24th, 2024, regarding the use of SACEM-affiliated catalog and other music legacies as training data for AI-generated music. At Pozalabs, we take this matter with the utmost seriousness and appreciate your concerns.

First and foremost, I would like to clarify our position and the methodology we employ in developing our music AI. Pozalabs has developed its music generation AI solely through the use of a proprietary MIDI dataset created by our team of thirty in-house professional composers. We strictly refrain from utilizing any external music sources for the purpose of music generation. Our approach, rooted in respect for the intellectual property rights of all music industry stakeholders, music creators, and artists, has been adhered to since the company’s establishment in 2018.

We firmly oppose the unauthorized use of music as training data. It is our belief that such practices are not only unethical but also disrespectful to the creative endeavors and intellectual property of artists and stakeholders within the music industry. At Pozalabs, we are committed to maintaining the highest ethical standards in the use of training data, and we strive to foster mutually beneficial relationships with all parties involved.

To address any concerns you may have, we extend an invitation for you to visit our office in Seoul. During your visit, we would be more than happy to provide a comprehensive overview of our music generation process. We believe that transparency is essential in building trust and understanding between our organizations.

Moreover, we are open to discussing the possibility of collaborating with SACEM and its affiliated members. Should there be interest in developing an artist-specific music generation model, we are open to co-developing such a model. We are confident that such collaborations can lead to innovative outcomes that respect the artistry and intellectual property of musicians while leveraging the power of AI.

In conclusion, Pozalabs is dedicated to the ethical use of training data and is continuously exploring ways to create synergies with music industry stakeholders, creators, and artists. We believe in a collaborative approach that ensures the integrity and respect of all parties involved.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. We look forward to the opportunity to further discuss how we can work together to advance the field of AI-generated music in a manner that honors the contributions and rights of artists and stakeholders alike.

Warm regards,

Wongil Huh

Chief Executive Officer
